Areas of Specialization

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers two Areas of Specialization within the Master of Civil and Environmental Engineering (MCEE) program, and your courses will depend on which area you pursue based on your academic interests:

Other Courses and Schedule

Relevant graduate courses from other departments may count towards the MCEE degree with prior approval by a faculty adviser. Depending on their background, some students may need to fulfill pre-requisites or take remedial engineering courses in addition to the required 30 semester hours to earn the MCEE degree. Students can transfer up to 6 credits of graduate-level courses equivalent to the required courses and must fulfill the minimum residency, which is one fall or spring semester in full-time or part-time graduate study.

A possible 1-year study program for students bringing in 6 credits is:

  • Semester 1 (fall): 4 courses, 12 credit hours
  • Semester 2 (spring): 3 courses, seminar, final project, 12 credit hours

Final Project

All MCEE students must complete a 2-credit final project with a faculty member in the CEE department. The project involves the application of engineering fundamentals in the design of a civil infrastructure system or the remediation of an existing problem under practical constraints typically seen in industry. Through the final project, MCEE students must demonstrate professional written and oral communication skills.
Students must choose a faculty advisor to work with by the end of the first semester, and register for CEVE 590 with the advisor’s approval the semester the student intends to complete the project. Students are required to meet with their advisor during the first week of class to define the project scope and a timeline. Additional regular meetings to discuss progress and feedback are also expected.

Writing & Presentation

Additionally: M.C.E.E. students are required to undergo training with The Center for Academic & Professional Communication (CAPC) on writing and presentation of the final project. Fall and spring final project submission requirements: the student should set-up an initial meeting with CAPC by week 10; students should submit the first draft to CAPC by week 13; students should submit the final draft to CAPC by week 14; students should set up the last meeting by week 15. The oral presentation and submission of the final MCEE report should be completed by the last day of classes.

MCEE students are required to undergo training with on writing and presentation of the final project.